Sunday, May 23, 2010

How to Hack Proof Your Passwords

Sunday, May 23, 2010
As my topic sounds today I’m going to discuss how to create a strong password (hack proof password). Often times when we first create a new account selecting a proper password is one of the least important things on our minds. However, it will cause your privacy if you didn’t choose a strong password. You may lost your personal information, name address, outgoing Security receive and even money from your bank account.
There are a few rules of manage that everyone online further happen when selecting a very good hack proof password for any type of account online. It would be your e-mail, Facebook account, MySpace account, online checking report and other favorite sites online that require for a password.
Here are some tips to help you for a hack proof password.

1. Any word used in the password should not come from any type of dictionary. This includes names also acronyms. By you using words/names/acronyms for your passwords, makes the password, makes the password much easier to a hacker or anyone to guess the password. Every name plus every word in the dictionary will fail under a simple brute force attack software tool.

 2. The password you use should include both letters and numbers. Preferably in alternating sequence i.e. k57npB9gF. Adding numbers mixed with upper and lower case letters to your passwords will increase the difficulty for anyone including hackers to judgment certain.

 3. The more characters you use in your password length will make it much more difficult for a hacker to guess. A password length of 6 to 8 is powerful good, but 10 to 14 characters who introduce rightful extremely difficult in that a hacker to theorem your password.

 4. Experiment using lowercase and uppercase characters and particular characters like %$#@&. By convenient adding upper case letter and asterisk "*" to your password of 6 to 8 characters will take a hacker from 3 hours to 3 centuries to guess using a brute force hacking software tool.

 5. To acting it super garner you shouldn't save your password in open or un-locked file on your computer, unless you can lock it with a another password. Never tell anyone your passwords, sounds stupid, but some people will give their password to friends or to someone they trust.

 6. If you need to write down your password because you're utterly forgetful, write it on a piece of paper and keep it in a safe place until you memorize it. Then destroy the paper with the password once you have memorized it.

 7. Remember to modify your password at least once a month for critical accounts that are important to you that must never typify hacked matter.

 Don't do this;

1. Don't use your pet's name, child's name, partner name or your own name, (that's the first password guess someone will try, your name.)

2. Never use “password", abc, abcd, abcde or 123, 123, 1234, 123456.

3. Don't use your city, college, favorite sport team name for a password.

4. Don't use your birth date, your child's or partner's birth date.

Note: I realize most people don't care about hack proofing their passwords until it's too late again they've learned a hard lesson. So do yourself a favor and spend a little time to hack proof your passwords. If you considered above things correctly you should never have a problem with your password and your account being hacked into. If you suspect someone has accessed your accounts it's a convenient idea at this time to change your password.

Do you think your current password is strong enough to make a hacker tired by searching your password?
If not, go for a good password (hack proof password) right now to give them some hard work and great loose.



Ryan said...

My email password is not much strong. Now I'm going to change it. Thanks a lot Naash, for this useful tip.
Keep up this good work.

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